The Central Front D+9 (18 July, 1987) Part IV

Southern Germany Timeline  D+6 to D+9 D+6 -The northern prong of the Warsaw Pact effort through Bavaria remains directed at Nuremberg. The advance dries up almost completely and with the decisive fighting going on up north, the prospect of significant reinforcement is remote. Nor is there the chance of a secondary advance coming south out …

The Central Front D+9 (18 July, 1987) Part III

On the Eastern Front in the Second World War, Red Army formations generally utilized mass and speed, or terrain in their attacks. After the war, many German officers admitted openly that speed was the most difficult to defend against. The Soviets favored mass and speed, and the results obtained in the east justified their overindulgence …

The Central Front D+9 (18 July, 1987) Part II

The British 1st Armored Division had completed its withdrawal and passage through the 4th Armoured Division’s lines by first light. The 7th Armoured Brigade remained in position east of Hanover, screening the rest of its parent division as it moved west. Enemy opposition was minimal, limited mainly to fire strikes that more often than not …

Baltic Approaches D+9 (18 July, 1987) Part II

The Northern Group of Forces (NGF) and Polish divisions pushing north through Schleswig-Holstein towards Jutland weren’t exempt from the indecision and ambivalence dominating the Baltic theater. The future remained unclear concerning the timetable for ground operations against Denmark. NGF’s commander, Colonel-General Ivan Korbutov wasn’t sure there would even be a next phase. Everything was contingent …

Baltic Approaches D+9 (18 July, 1987) Part I

Meetings between Swedish diplomats and senior NATO officials continued through the night in Brussels. Not long after midnight the meeting adjourned. The Swedes returned to their embassy for consultations with Stockholm. The NATO officials briefed Secretary General Peter Carrington on the progress of the talks. Afterward, Carrington personally contacted President Reagan, Prime Minister Thatcher, and …

The North Atlantic D+9 (18 July, 1987) Part VI

Kitty Hawk began recovering aircraft. The Tomcat-Hawkeye combination had performed magnificently, decimating Raid-1 as well as killing six Backfires from Raid-2 as they withdrew. Damage control efforts on Montcalm kept the French frigate afloat for two hours. A long enough period of time for casualties, and the surviving crewmen to be transferred to other ships. …