WWIII 1987: Update 16 April 2024

Real world events from late last week through the weekend really tossed my posting schedule into chaos. Well, as we say in my Italian American family, ‘What are ya gonna do?’ Not much aside from pick myself up, figure out a new schedule and press forward. So, the entire point of this post is to let the readers know what to expect over the next week and a half.

First off, Part II of the CENTAG addendum entry was severely limited due to a sudden lack of time. Israel-Iran took precedence for much of the weekend, and I couldn’t find the time needed to finish the entry as I had intended. I am hoping that when a free weekend comes up next, I can revise and repost Part II. The entire purpose of this addendum was to shed light on a few battles in CENTAG that did not get the attention I think they deserved during their original posts in the WWIII 1987 Central Front section. I want to fix that and with luck it’ll still be possible when I get around to it again soon. In the meantime, I’m going to put up an independent Central Front entry about Forward Air Controllers in the CENTAG area of operations through the Third World War. I am aiming for Saturday to have the first part up on the blog. Part II will follow later on next week.

In between parts, I am considering a book review of The War That Never Was, a novel by Michael A. Palmer. It is a very naval-centric narrative about massive naval battles around the globe that come about because of a fictional Third World War that occurs sometime in the early 1990s in another world. 😊 I’ve wanted to talk more about it for some time. Now is as good a time as any.

As for the final section of the Wargame tournament, expect that to pop up next weekend. I think I’ve found a good scoring process and will test it out later in the week.

6 Replies to “WWIII 1987: Update 16 April 2024”

  1. Hi Mike,

    Looking forward to your review of “The War that Never Was.” I read it years ago and thought that Palmer handled a lot of the naval warfare using Victory Games’ Fleet series of wargames

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve been rereading some chapters as prep. Forgot how much I enjoyed the book and also forgot some of my issues wit it 🙂


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