WWIII 1987 Bibliography: A Few PC and Tabletop Surprises From The Wargames Section

I’ve been working through the tabletop/PC game section of the World War III 1987 bibliography this week. I remembered the significant number of WWIII wargames I’ve sampled during the workup to this blog. I’m also reminded of the games that did not provide me with much useful material but were a lot of fun to …

2022 WWIII Video Game Tournament: Round 1, Gold Region

#1 Steel Panthers MBT vs  #8 Mech Brigade Another unique matchup early in the tournament. Steel Panthers MBT’s predecessors and Mech Brigade were both published by SSI and many features of the later game are evident in every title of the Steel Panthers series. MBT is no exception. Both titles simulate armored warfare between NATO …

The North Atlantic D+8 (17 July, 1987) Part I

Reconnaissance efforts were underway as D+8 began. As the hours crept by, more platforms and assets joined the respective searches that were in progress. The Soviets started the day with three Tu-95 Bears, and an equal number of Il-38 Mays patrolling the Norwegian Sea.  They searched passively with radars off, unwilling to reveal their own …

The North Atlantic D+5 (14 July, 1987) Part II

The Red Banner Northern Fleet’s intelligence projection of the NATO convoy picture in the North Atlantic was remarkably accurate in many regards. Convoy 27-1, NATO’s first wartime Atlantic convoy was approaching Le Havre on the morning of D+5 and by mid-afternoon its merchant vessels were starting to disembark material. Behind it, two more convoys were …