WWIII Book Review: The Next War Part I

The premise of The Next War, as I discussed in the introduction, was to warn that deeper cuts to US defense spending (in 1998 and the years beyond) could have disastrous consequences if the US military was called upon to fight a major war. Given the fact that this book was championed and co-written by …

Update On Berlin 1961 Part II And/Or Other Writings For December

Travel day. Not west to east across the Atlantic in comfort like the last journey and return trip. This time it’s a south to north return on Amtrak and seeing a nice slice of the American southeast and Mid-Atlantic before making my way back to Amish country via car service. Not as luxurious as the …

WWIII Novella- Hawaii 2027: Part III

                                                                        Hawaii 2027 Part III July, 15, 2027 Steve Metzinger stared out at the ocean and beach just beyond Kahle Point, his mind deep in thought. The placid blue Pacific waters were framed against a lighter blue sky filled with pockets of cumulus clouds off in the distance. A picturesque summer Hawaii noon. After a …

WWIII Novella- Hawaii 2027: Part II, Section 1

Note: Section 2 of this part will be posted Thursday night.                                                      Hawaii 2027 Part II , Section 1 May 20, 2027 I. The food supplier on the other end of the phone sounded sincerely apologetic. “I’m sorry, Mr. Alden, but there’s just no way around it. I cannot get my hands on any …

WWIII Novella- Hawaii 2027: Part I

                                                            Hawaii 2027 Part I February, 2027 Bo Alden scanned the crowded dining room. Customers crowded every table. Servers and busboys maneuvered deftly through the obstacle course of people. tables and chairs without ever coming close to a collision. Bright faced waitresses greeted customers with beaming smiles, took orders and reiterated the specials of the …