The Central Front D+19 (28 July, 1987) Part II

Author’s Note: CENTAG is coming first because my laptop went south on Friday and it took over 36 hours to get it reset and all my files recovered. Need some extra time to gather my CENTAG and NORTHAG timelines and notes up from the wreckage. As a result, this entry will be short, unfortunately. 😊 …

The Central Front D+9 (18 July, 1987) Part III

On the Eastern Front in the Second World War, Red Army formations generally utilized mass and speed, or terrain in their attacks. After the war, many German officers admitted openly that speed was the most difficult to defend against. The Soviets favored mass and speed, and the results obtained in the east justified their overindulgence …

3rd Armored Division To The Border: D-2 (7 July, 1987) **

On the night of 7 July, and continuing into the next day,  two mass migrations were underway in the Federal Republic of Germany. The first one consisted of thousands of West German civilians living in close proximity to the Inner-German border. What started as a steady stream of families moving west towards perceived safety in …